Hairdressing lessons
In December 2021, Yoly Martinez, of Yoly's Beauty Salon in Ajijic, offered to come out and teach in Mezcala! We were so excited and so enjoyed watching her teach!
At the first class with 15 women, she asked them why they wanted to learn hairdressing. It was interesting to hear their reasons. A couple of stories were interesting to me. One young mother has three sons and a husband, who all need haircuts on a regular basis. It costs her a lot of money for those haircuts, money that otherwise could be spent on food for the family. So not everyone wants to become a professional hairdresser. For some, its a way to make ends meet...
Another single mother, who later graduated from Yoly's program, is now working from home, rather than going to Guadalajara and leaving her children alone at night... So that is so much safer for her and her kids.

At the first lesson, Yoly spent a lot of time talking about germs, and how they spread. (This was during Covid - and these women had no idea about how germs or diseases were spread.) Many of these women were dealing children with head lice. The lesson on germs was astounding to them!
Yoly emphasized the importance of having a clean working environment, and told the class to make sure everything was clean and ready for each class. She taught them how to clean the materials and supplies (which Poco a Poco had provided).
In September 2022, six of the women graduated from Yoly's hairdressing class. They were all so proud!

In September 2023, many of the 15 women trainees, are now working as hairdressers from their homes, cutting hair or going to people's homes and providing this service.
Three or four of the really serious students, came to Yoly's salon in Ajijic, to experience a real business environment, which is professionally run (and now a young man is coming to learn too). Yoly generously provided her quality products to them so they could practice their skills and learn more under Yoly’s guidance.
But if you know Yoly – please thank her for all she has done for the Mezcala community!