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On-going projects


In September 2023, we had a total of six students taking auxiliary nursing classes each week, in Chapala. 


All the students continued with their community service work (each of them, 150 hours) by helping in our San Pedro medical clinic, or assisting the Lila K dentist in San Pedro.  They learned more and had to practice the importance of cleanliness, attention to detail, etc. 


Before these students get their final graduation certifications, they also must perform 500 hours of “hands-on” practical experience at an accredited health institution. This is especially financially challenging for them, because of the number of hours - as this non-paid work and they also have to pay travel expenses.  (We suspect that this will be the most challenging part of them actually getting their certifications.)


Some of these students received direct financial support to pay for their courses, exams, supplies, uniforms and other incidentals related to their training.   We are most grateful to two private donors and the organization, Work, Play, Love for this valuable support. 


In return, the students are all expected to provide some voluntary time to give back to the community, preferably in their new field of nursing or nurse checkups, or helping with the special children’s classes.


Poco a Poco also help pay towards last minute, extra student supplies that are needed, or extra classes, etc. 


Thank you, Kim, of Work, Play, Love as well as Gary and Donna, and the Lila K Foundation for all your support.  This education will improve their future working possibilities beyond their dreams.

If you would like to sponsor a young adult with further education, please contact us!
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